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Mobile Marketing Measurement Hack for 2924
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Beyond Clicks: Mobile Marketing Measurement Hacks For 2024

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Marketing measurement, though the lifeblood of mobile marketing success, is often overlooked by mobile marketers. While a lot of time and money are invested in creating mobile marketing strategy that converts, an underwhelmingly lesser efforts are directed towards understanding the ‘why’ of conversions or lack thereof.

Effective marketing measurement helps you determine which mobile marketing efforts are bringing results and which are only draining your marketing budget. Putting a proper marketing measurement strategy along with investing a top-quality mobile marketing platform like Trackier not only ensures optimal allocation of your marketing budget, but also,

  • Let’s tailor your mobile marketing campaigns based on what’s working and what’s not.
  • Identifies areas of improvement in terms of channel, geographies, user demographics, among others.
  • Helps you craft your future mobile marketing campaigns based on successes and failures of your past.
  • Enable you to demonstrate the success of your mobile marketing campaigns to important stakeholders at your organization.

Now we understand why marketing measurement is an important piece in the mobile marketing puzzle, let us put the spotlight on key hacks that you, as a mobile marketer, can deploy to make the most of your mobile marketing platform.

Simplifying Marketing Measurement for Your Mobile App Using Trackier MMP

Trackier MMP offers you a centralized platform to track your mobile marketing campaign performance, partner performance, analyze in-app user behavior, revenue generation, and block fraudulent activities. When utilized carefully, Trackier MMP can become your growth engine by letting you gain a unified view of your mobile marketing performance.

Here are a few ways you can utilize Trackier MMP to crack the marketing measurement code in 2024.

Identify high-paying customers on MMP customer report dashboard

Using Customer Report on Trackier MMP report section gives you a detailed overview of onboarded customers and accepted events who are converting into business revenue. The report also segregates customer data on the basis of campaign, geography, channel, rejected and accepted revenue.

Customer Report data is also useful to gauge who your paying customers are and can be used for retargeting campaigns.

How to access customer report on your Trackier MMP?

  • Login to your Trackier MMP
  • Locate reports under the engagement section and then the customer report.
  • Add filters to customize your customer report as per your analysis goal.

Identify partners/geographies bringing fraud installs

Trackier MMP offers built-in fraud detection tools that use algorithms and machine learning to identify suspicious install activity.

This anti-fraud tool can help analyze factors like:

  • Duplicate ips for app install
  • App version mismatch
  • Blacklist IP
  • SDK Spoofing

Using these fraud alerts, you can gauge which partners or channels are bringing you fake installs/conversions. To get more granular insights, you can add parameters from ‘get filtered data’ on the top right corner of the fraud report.

By adding the ‘country’ filter, you can analyze which geographies are bringing you more fraudulent installs. In future you can be mindful about your app’s target geographies and invest more in regions that are hotbeds for genuine installs.

Setup post-install in-app events important for revenue generation

Using your Trackier MMP, you can trace the entire user journey on your app not just installs. You can custom events that are important for your business and contribute significantly to revenue generation. To add custom events,

  • Go to Events tab on the left navigation bar.
  • Here you will see the events that are currently being tracked by your marketing measurement platform.
  • Click on ‘add event’ and add the name of the event you want to track.
  • You can set the postback to be fired for the specific events so that you can keep a track of user engagement post app installation.

Set up validation rules to reject traffic that doesn’t mean anything for your business

Validation rule is an important feature of the mobile marketing platform. If you haven’t set validation rules on your Trackier MMP, you’re missing out on an important part of your marketing measurement strategy. Validation rules help you accept conversions that are ‘actually’ meaningful for your business and reject the rest. It acts like an added layer to the in-built fraud shield so that you only celebrate the real successes and not vanity metrics.

To set up validation rules,

  • Login to your Apptrove MMP.
  • Select ‘validation rules’ from the ‘manage’ section on the left navigation bar.
  • Click on ‘add validation rule’.
  • Enter details like rule name, metric, validity, and conditional operator to get your validation rule up and running.
  • By setting this rule, your MMP will automatically reject any conversions/traffic that don’t meet the set requirements.

Setup custom alerts on basis of priority for KPIs

Why wasting time manually checking KPIs everyday? Here’s an alternative. You can set automated alerts on the basis of priority KPIs. For example, if an app marketer needs to track app installations in their May campaign, they can set custom alerts for ‘app installs’. Alternately, you can set custom alerts for partners when they meet the set benchmark of app install, click, impression or conversion rate.

Similarly, you can track low-performing partners or channels by setting ‘less than’ or ‘decreased by’ conditional operators on custom alerts. This way you will be alerted by email or web alerts when a partner/channel is unable to meet the set benchmark or if their performance falls below a set threshold.

To set up custom alerts,

  • Login to your MMP.
  • Click on custom alerts from left navigation bar.
  • Click on create alert to set up new alert.
  • Fill in the conditions, set partners/channels and thresholds.
  • Click on save.

Integrate your marketing ecosystem

Last but not the least, integrate your entire marketing ecosystem for seamless marketing measurement and two-way flow of data. Most of the marketers face data silo challenges in their marketing campaigns and SaaS offering two-way API Integration is the only way forward. Make sure that you contact your Marketing Software providers including Trackier MMP to make sure that you always get the 360-degree view of your marketing measurement data.

Summing it up!

In this world where data is flowing seamlessly from all direction, it’s inevitable to get lost in the sea of numbers. Even with the proper marketing measurement channels in place, even the best of mobile marketers are unable to make the complete picture of their mobile marketing campaigns.

That’s why Trackier’s mobile marketing plaform comes with a dedicated Customer Success Manager whose primary goal is to see our customers succeed. They help you make the most of your marketing measurement features and data so that your campaigns are always driven by data and not a hunch.

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