From Casual to Competitive: Mobile Game Analytics for Every Playfield

Acquire, engage, and retain gamers with holistic app experiences that take them on a journey from discovery to conversions. Move beyond qualitative metrics to learn about the in-app behavior, creative preferences, and favored channels of your gaming audience, so that you can be right where the stakes lie.

The All-in-One Toolkit for Mobile Gaming Success

First Impressions Matter

Launch Your Game with the Confidence of Precise Targeting

The Sticky Factor

Drive High User Engagement With Retargeting

Craft Winning Mobile Marketing Campaigns

Download the S.M.A.R.T. goal setting guide for gaming apps

Scale Up and Stand Out

Build Multiple Partnerships of Value with one SDK

Safeguard Your Growth Journey

Fraud Shields Designed for Every Step

Don’t Just Play the Marketing Game,
Master It!

Marketing Section


Integrate Apptrove SDK
UA Campaign Attribution
Creative Testing

Rocket Icon
Rocket Icon


Click/Install Tracking
Retention Analysis
Fraud Detection


Segmentation and Targeting
SkadNetwork Analytics
Monetization Insights

Rocket Icon
Rocket Icon

Anti-Fraud Protection

Identify Fraud Types
Threshold Setting
Media Source Optimization

We Connect the Dots,
You See the Big Picture