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Leverage the Power of Integrated Mobile Strategies for Business Growth

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Smartphone has become an important aspect of our lives, now more than ever. We use smartphones to fulfil all our daily needs, shopping, travelling, ordering food and more. From communicating with our families or friends to learning new skills while entertaining ourselves, we do everything online. In the world where the electronic media is gaining prominent importance, brands are also adopting new mobile strategies to tap on this changing consumer behaviour. 

Nowadays, leading brands are coming up with integrated digital marketing strategies that connect with the consumers, increase brand awareness and drive sales too. Joining all the three dots, they are introducing engagement campaigns to convince the users to stay on their platforms, with the belief that purchases will follow. More than creating just content, these brands are creating experiences for the consumer – and it is all that matters! 

For example, visit Zomato’s app and website, they change their communication as per the going trend – to appeal to the masses. From being quirky in sending out communications to urging everyone to stay safe at their home, they have won millions of hearts and orders subsequently. Time and again, Zomato offers its consumers with conversational mailers reminding them – of their latest ongoing offer, you must have received millions of them too. The key is making your presence felt across different platforms through different strategies – in order to make a home in the consumer’s mind. Tapping on what the consumers want rather than focusing on telling them what you are offering is the key to a successful brand. For example, visit Open Forum to witness the community American Express has created for the content creators out there. AMEX invites guest authors from several sectors to share their business knowledge and wisdom, as a result of which AMEX has a content-rich website which is popular with both search engines and the audience. 

This is the approach you must take to make your brand reach heights. But first, let’s focus on how to build a user-friendly brand together with the use of integrated mobile strategies to leverage the ever-changing landscape of digital marketing. 

  • Building a mobile-optimized website – 

Start with creating an engaging and user-friendly landing page by keeping the content precise and informative i.e. easy to read and scan. Don’t forget to use suitable keywords to optimize the search results; the more you rank high on Google, the more consumers come to your website. You can also adopt the location-based point of sale or instant purchase offers or sale in order to engage consumers in mobile commerce. 

Keep the track of consumer behaviour on your website via Google Analytics. It will tell you how much time consumers are spending on your website and on what page. Observe Google Analytics for a week and change your content strategy across the pages accordingly, to gain the consumer response in your favour. 

  • Stay in touch with your consumers via SMS and mails – 

Utilize SMS and emailers to notify your consumers with the latest offers, sale notifications, upcoming coupons, contests and more. Ask them if they have any feedback or query, it will enable them to reach out to you for more information. Maintaining a personal relationship with your consumer is quite important these days, therefore it is always advisable to address your consumer/subscriber with the first name. Write to them as you address your friend and ask him for his well-being. 

P.S. Remember to gain an opt-in consent from the consumer as well, since their privacy matters. 

  • Introduce a user-friendly mobile application – 

Apps are the best way to reside in your consumer’s smartphones, literally. Offer the services to your consumers in such a way that they find it productive to be associated with your app – it could be entertainment, mobile commerce, utilities and more. A smart consumer always looks at all the reviews before downloading the app. Ensure that your app has nice reviews and is actually adding something beneficial to the consumer’s life. And then see how the number of downloads accelerates to another level. 

  • Mobile display advertising – 

Have you ever noticed that yesterday you searched for something, let’s say shoes, on Amazon and now Google is showing you ads pertaining to shoes on every website? Well, this is not because Google can read your mind, it’s because there is an algorithm that runs behind these banner ads. Design yourself some banner ads that will help the consumers locate your brand easily while they are sitting on some other website, just like it happens with you. Google displays these banners ads regarding the consumer’s search online. What’s more? You should also have an informative landing page which will educate the consumers about your product and would compel them to sign up to your brand. 

Out-of-the-Box mobile display advertising has the power to make your brand a success in a short period of time, if used optimally. 

  • Drive engagement and sales through QR Codes and Snap Tags – 

This is an interesting way to make the most of your mobile-friendly website or app. QR codes and snap tags are generally sent with mailers, print ads, business cards, and more so that as and when the consumers scan them they go over to your app and website. You can use QR codes to introduce exciting offers and deals to engage with your consumers in the beginning. You can also create dynamic QR codes by choosing a dynamic QR code generator available online. 

  • Geotargeting –

This is one of the most effective ways to leverage the power of smartphones. Geotargeting refers to displaying content and offers to the consumers based on their location. Hypothetically speaking, imagine a person sitting in Mumbai. He will not be interested in winter clothes but will be more driven towards the latest summer/spring series. Geotargeting will help your brand to showcase the right ad at the right time to the right people. It will take you a step forth towards optimum customer satisfaction.

In a Nutshell

With the right permutation and combination of integrated mobile strategies, you can reach the growth where the sky’s the limit. Just hold on tight and strategize well as per the changing times. All the best! 

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