Tracking App Downloads On Mobile Web is Easy
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Tracking App Downloads Initiated on the Mobile Web Is This Easy! Read to find out more

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With the unprecedented crisis lurking over us, every brand is making a resolve to adapt and evolve per the world of digitization to connect with existing and new customers. These days, in the comfort of their homes, people are not only spending more time on their phones but are also exploring new products and services. Leveraging this time to their advantage, marketers are running several campaigns on various channels to get website traffic and app store downloads. Google Adwords, Keyword Optimisation, Boost Ads etc. are working like a charm for them. Amidst all this, it becomes more significant to see which channels and platforms are delivering effective results and which not so that you can optimise your strategies accordingly. 

One major step, to achieve the same, besides others is a mobile app install tracking. It’s when you count the number of people who have downloaded/installed your app that you can really measure your rate of growth. More installs mean more customers that further enunciates that your current marketing strategies are delivering the best results. 

You must be wondering why tracking your app installs initiated on the mobile web is important. Well, think of it in this way – if there are no installs, there are no customers. And even if there are and you do not know from which campaign or channel they have come from, you would never be able to get the best result possible. What if Google Adwords was giving you your customers and you were putting your money on social media boost ads all this while now? You not just lost money but also an opportunity to leverage more customers. That’s why it’s always advisable to fetch the data of your app installs for 2 reasons – 

  1. To know which sources of installs are working best for you 
  2. To create more targeted ads for various platforms to strengthen your performance and further increase your number of potential downloads 

How to track the mobile app installs? 

Well, at first, this may appear to be quite simple. You just have to look at the page where the user clicked last before heading to the play store. But it’s really not, thanks to the complex journey of a user across various devices and channels and contrasting reports of play stores. Plus app stores like Play Store or Apple iTunes provide aggregated data to the developers that are usually static and offer an incomplete view. Unlike website tracking, there are no standardized methods for tracking users regardless of which browser they use. But each App exploring platform has different methods rules for how it tracks and what data it shares. Well, ad platforms may offer you additional tools and plugins to track users but it isn’t always accurate either. In such cases, teams generally go for installing a snippet of code to verify the installs but they are also not very reliable – every company runs their ads on various platforms at once, in such cases, the chances of the same install appearing on 3-4 platforms together increases – again giving an unclear picture. 

This is why many teams choose a user analytics platform to track mobile app installs in an efficient manner. It provides all the tools that a person needs to collect data from multiple app stores and advertising platforms and even produce reports that are accessible and reliable. 

Presenting Trackier Mobile Marketing Platform 

An effective attribution platform, Trackier Mobile Meaurement Platform is trusted by the world’s leading brands. It provides you with all the ingredients that you need to drive home marketing success. From providing accurate data to fraud prevention, it empowers marketers with its seamless, secured and smart platform. Here is the list of services that will empower you as the data-driven marketer – 

  • Attribution – Discover the source by gaining insight into your user’s entire journey. From how every user got to know about your app to how they interacted with it, you’ll get every information of the conversion data across multiple advertising platforms in one unified platform.
  • Real-time app analytics – Once you have got the users to download your app, now you need to retain them and convert them from users to consumers. With mobile app analytics, you will not only be able to understand your users and their intent but also make intelligent marketing and product decisions that will help you boost conversion for sure.
  • Automate your mobile marketing campaigns – Regardless of what you are doing, where you are, you can now update your campaign budgets for top-performing ads or get hold of your highest performing KPIs and then optimize them automatically with just one click. Automating your campaigns allows you to centralise and scale your campaign optimisation in no time.
  • Audience Builder – It helps you retarget users to drive growth and measure success. With audience builder, you can segment your audience into different groups based on in-app behaviour and attributes so that you can reach your best users with retargeting and exclusion targeting. It enables you to create the audiences you want for the results you need, and that is the greatest thing possible!
  • Fraud prevention – While online marketing has many advantages, it comes with disadvantages too that the internet has to offer everyone in general i.e. frauds and scams. When unchecked, ad frauds can also wreck your entire strategy by stealing from ad budgets and skewing datasets. But when you have the right tracking solution right beside you, you would not only get comprehensive ad fraud prevention that proactively stops fraud even before it happens but would leave you with all the time to focus on your growth and strategy. 

With a unique host of services, Trackier Measurement Partner will help you at every step of your marketing strategy – right from tracking app installs to getting you more leads and conversions. Increased ROI, personalised campaign and product development, optimised marketing spend are only some of the many advantages you enroll for when you connect with us. For more information, feel free to contact us by clicking here. 

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